Autism Family Society Selangor (AFSS)

Our Objective

We focus on supporting parents or families living with Autism. Our plan is to assist and support by providing a one stop centre information about Autism . We also would like to create a platform for parents and caregivers to learn how they can help their children at home and also a place to voice out suggestions or any room of improvement for Autism community.

On top of that our plan is to improve quality of life for families with Autism individuals for example better medical support , on going activities for children and autism adults. Other than that we would like to work with government or corporate companies in providing skills training ,job placement and housing & residence for Autism adults.

Summary of Autism Family Society Focus :-

1) Information Center & Help desk for parents with Autism children.

2) Improve quality of life for families caring for autistic children

3) Intervention & Social activities for children of similar age group

4) Autism Above 18+ Social & Activities Programs

5)Skills Training & Job Placement

5) Housing & Residence for Autism Adults

Our Vision

To provide the best support and solution on challenges faced by parents caring for autism children adults in Malaysia

Our Mission

Most reliable and important platform for parents to seek support in raising a child with Autism.